Model @KoolKelsey Tackles Fashion, Politics & Being a New Mom During a Pandemic

Model @KoolKelsey Tackles Fashion, Politics & Being a New Mom During a Pandemic

Kelsey has long been one of our favorite #MueMuses, and we love every single way she brings Muehleder apparel to life with her chic, fashion-forward styling that gives us all amazing fashion inspo. We virtually caught up with the new mama mid-pandemic to discuss all things fashion, motherhood, and life in this hectic time.


1. You’re one of our favorite #MueMuses! When wearing different Muehleder pieces, how do they make you feel? What’s great about the brand to you? Is there one specific piece in your closet that you absolutely love?

Muehleder pieces make me feel like luxury. The feel of the fabric against my skin puts me in the mood to go out and show off. One of my favorite pieces in my closet is the Nessa Skirt. It's flirty, has flare, and flows fabulously when I walk.

2. We totally agree with you on that one! Now I hear congratulations are in order, you just had a baby! Do you have any advice for other busy moms attempting to balance work and family life?
Thank you! I couldn't be happier to be a mom. My little girl has so much personality and I love having her around while I work. Being that I'm a full-time content creator, I'm lucky to be able to spend so much time at home with my baby. I also work really closely with Fitz [Kelsey’s partner and father to her daughter Anaya], so we don't ever miss out on family time. We're grateful to both have steady work from home and still find time to have some fun as a family.

3. That's amazing! Speaking of this year, I noticed that you’ve moved from New York to the countryside. Was this decision made due to the pandemic?

We left Brooklyn in March to temporarily relocate to South Carolina because of the pandemic. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but we felt it was necessary for the health and safety of our family. Being a full-time content creator, it’s been really challenging juggling motherhood and my day-to-day professional work. Babies are so demanding and require so much one-on-one time, oftentimes it’s really difficult to even have a moment to shoot my content. We have her join us for most shoots, but when it comes to filming video, we can’t edit the baby sounds out so it’s a lot of hurry and wait, trying to fit in words in between her laughter, her cries, and her “goos” and “gahs.” As much as I enjoy her company when I work, it drastically extends the time it would normally take. Something that would usually only take me 15 minutes will now take me maybe an hour and a half or longer.
3. That's understandable, the pandemic and lockdown has forced many of us to reexamine our priorities. With that said, what has parenting in a pandemic been like?
Parenting in a pandemic has been really easy for us. It's another one of those scenarios that we lucked out in. We didn't have a shortage of work; we had the opposite, a heavy influx of work almost all at once. Anaya comes along with us whenever we shoot and even makes some cameos in our work too! We have lots of time to get out in nature since we're living deep in the woods. Introducing her to all of the outdoor activities we enjoy has been so fun!
4. That sounds like a good time! Speaking of Anaya, not going to lie, I had a little peek at her Insta page and she’s just so precious! Where have you gotten her clothes and style inspiration from?
Once I found out I was having a girl, I knew exactly how I was going to dress her. I'm all about a classic, timeless feel for her clothes. I love soft colors, sweet florals, and cozy knits. Her accessories are simple but so adorable, like lace socks, bonnets, and the cutest little bibs. I suppose the inspiration came from my mom and how she dressed me as a baby.
5. And she certainly looks the part in every IG photoshoot! So obviously this year is a big election year on the heels of so many quests for justice. Do you think it’s important to use your platform as an influencer or as a mom to speak up for what’s right?
The 2020 election is a big deal. I've certainly talked about the importance of voting and making our voices heard at the polls. When it comes to serious things like this, I speak from the heart and hope that it touches someone and really makes a difference. Who we vote for speaks volumes. I don't confine myself in only voting for a specific party. I vote for who is qualified for the job, who is morally right, and believes in doing the right thing.


What’s been the biggest lesson or challenge that this year has brought you?

2020 has taught me that I need to be more present with the people in my life, no matter the distance. It's important that people know that they are cared for, even if you can't talk all the time or see each other regularly. The little gestures can matter the most.




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